Moss Baskets
We plant over 400 moss baskets each spring in about 7 different, pre-set options. Pre-ordering for the moss baskets will now be online, starting on February 3! You will still be able to reserve in store starting on opening day of our spring season, April 3. Whether online or in store, you will be able to see pictures and descriptions of each basket so you can pick your favourite. You must pay in full in order to reserve your baskets. Baskets may differ slightly from their pictures.
The earlier you book, the better the selection will be, as they sell fast. We are usually sold out before May.
We will continue to grow your baskets until May, and we ask that they be picked up starting in early May (weather dependent) and no later than the long weekend. When you pick up, we will fertilize your baskets for you with a slow release fertilizer that lasts 3 months.